Pubg pc vs xbox
Pubg pc vs xbox

There's a lot of interesting things they need to figure out as first-parties that has nothing to do with us. “I can only imagine the complexities of those conversations between the two and some of those of complexities come in the areas of stuff like purchasable content and if ‘we allow cross-platform play, what does it mean to purchase on one platform and play it on the other.’ So there's a lot of really complicated issues.

pubg pc vs xbox

In the past, developers have alluded that the revenue split regarding micro-transactions and which platforms they are attributed to have been a major concern particularly with the likes of Sony and Microsoft involved. That said, while the tech exists to ensure some form of cross-play and progression, we won’t be surprised if the commercial aspect of game development has held it back. It is possible though, that a PUBG sequel for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S would connect with PUBG: New State in some meaningful way.

pubg pc vs xbox

The lack of any concrete cross-play or cross-platform announcement suggests that the developer is still working out details. Interestingly, Krafton hasn’t stated that PUBG: New State would interact with the PC and console versions of PUBG in any way. PUBG 2 and PUBG: New State Cross-Play and Cross-Progression In fact, PlayerIGN had suggested that we would see a PUBG Mobile successor announced during the ongoing PUBG Invitational.S for PC. This came after weeks of speculation surrounding the possibility of a new PUBG game.

pubg pc vs xbox

#Pubg pc vs xbox for android#

New state is only for mobile, the pubg 2 thing (pc/console) is someth we're still waiting for by 2022Įarlier this week, Krafton revealed PUBG: New State for Android and iOS.

Pubg pc vs xbox